Occupying a site of 14.4 hectares, the kastro is one of the largest fortresses in area in the Aegean. The shape of the outer enceinte is polygonal, due to the uneven configuration of the ground, whic...
5-8.0 metres high, which project outwards to reduce its open front. The towers control the entrance to the castle and contribute significantly to its defence and protection. The stretches of fortifica...
At the highest point of the castle is the citadel. Here are the ruins of a large building, the keep, which was probably the residence of the commander of the castle. The citadel was g...
During the period of the Ottoman rule, a settlement had developed inside the kastro, the architectural remains of which include houses, a cemetery, a mosque, a gunpowder store, a barrack for the garr...
On the east side there are 3 towers, 2 flanking the central gate and one further north. In earlier times there were at least another 2 towers in the middle wall (north internal). The tower is the bas...